Sunday, May 9


From going through the archive collection I noticed the main infrastructure of lace that
makes it decorative and that was simply the use of pattern and its repetition to create solid
visuals in which there is a continuation of symbolism through the imagery.
The dictionary definition of pattern is crucial to blog as i need to be precise with every
design element to create a successful yet true representation of what a net curtain is known
to have. To have this definition I an set the basic structure of the design in which will be
crucial to overlay subversive tones which parody the research I have conducted on voyeurism.

1. an arrangement of repeated or corresponding parts, decorative motifs, etc. although
the notes seemed random, a careful listener could detect a pattern
2. a decorative design a paisley pattern
3. a style various patterns of cutlery
4. a plan or diagram used as a guide in making something a paper pattern for a dress
5. a standard way of moving, acting, etc. traffic patterns
6. a model worthy of imitation a pattern of kindness
7. a representative sample
8. (Engineering / Metallurgy) a wooden or metal shape or model used in a foundry to make a mould
9. (Military / Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery)
a. the arrangement of marks made in a target by bullets
b. a diagram displaying such an arrangement
vb (tr)
1. (often foll by after or on) to model
2. to arrange as or decorate with a pattern
[C14 patron, from Medieval Latin patrōnus example, from Latin: patron1]

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