Thursday, May 20

Test sample

The cost of printing my piece is steadily increasing so being conscious of this factor, I did a test sample to work out the dimensions of scale and how well the printing is transferred from screen to textile.

As working with fabric with a fabric outcome is not what I have usually produced on the course.

Factors I have considered:

- to not print on silk organza for the simple con that the print doesn't come up well on the piece. Though the organza itself is my preferred material due to its particular warp it has good level of transparency.

- as an alternative I have decide to go with Georgette a fabric that has a denser warp so a better clarity of print and easy to get printed on. The only con of using this material is the fact that the material available to me is not a white but a off cream which i am unsure to if I like or not.

- lastly the timing of getting this print done on time is a factor that has toubled the design process. As from contacting various printers there turnover rate is simply longer than expected or desired typical 7 days from hand in to the printers. Also especially as im competing for printers with many textile courses. But in In no way do am I going to let this effect me.

The images of the test sample quickly hung up (in no way is this an indication of how the final print will look).

Flocked off...

So after discussions about the production of my piece I thought of possibly flocking onto the fabric print. This I thought would add a tactile dimension to the work in which particular areas would be flocked to create depth and highlight significant areas of the design for them to stand out in comparison to the rest of the print.

I approached the textile department of Chelsea to see if I could utilise the facilities, but unfortunately there is loads of admin and red tape preventing me to use anything and there would be too many restrictions.

As much as I am disappointed with this hiccup in the design progress I have evaluated the use of this process against what I feel is necessary to embellish the print and feel happy with having to use my embroidery skills as a suitable substitute.