Tuesday, May 11

The Beginnings of a Drawn Outcome

As I have come to the conclusion of what my final outcome will be, I feel that It is important for me to present more of my work to demonstrate my application of the knowledge gathered. 

I have begun to started to hand draw the many icons I intend to display on the curtains. All of which i shall latter assemble into forming a cohesive pattern to duplicate.

FInal Intentions

It is clear from my previous blog entries that I have a clear understanding of the medium I am working with. It is now up to me to be explicit to what my final piece shall be visualised as. So within the structure of limiting myself to five bullet points I am going to summarise the outcome:

1) I will produce two net curtains (the rough dimensions of each net being 36"x54"). With the intention that they may be longer or shortened if needed.

2) The two net curtains will be looking at topic social class and taste, and the exploration of the classes particular taste in material goods through stereotypes that are manifested by the common cliches found visible to the eye (dress attire, jewellery, valuables, acronyms etc). The purpose to question the value we assign to such goods as a reflection of oneself in an increasingly visual literate culture.

3) Net 1 (Bad taste) Will be a visual homage to the lower class example the Chav culture found in british society (looking at representation in popular media like the show Shameless).

4) Net 2 (Good taste) will be a visual homage to the upper class example the Sloanie found in their own cultured habitat of status and horse riding.

5) A possible short piece of either footage or set of photos to capture the curtains.

Shadow play

Whilst going through a blog that I follow I noticed this image, as simple as it is the purpose of me posting it was to simply point out the beauty of when lace cast a shadow. So even if the person viewing lace work and cant make out the patterns weaved, the shadow cast by the light will always reveal the forms and shapes.