All is revealed...
This Final Major Project is an in-depth exploration of the boundaries and parameters that particular sectors of society will construct in hope to conceal themselves. In particular to this project their habits and personalities acted at the privacy of their home.
The project will follow a set structure of research that shall aid me in the creation of a series of graphic illustrative pieces of net curtain lace. I will examine the visual exhibition of this decorative, mudanity and kitsch nature of having a net curtain along with its history in British culture, prying in the lives of the 'curtain twitchers'.
Within the time set it is important for me to learn the skill of lace making and shall take classes to best educate me in this particular craft art form. Specific construction to which they offer the ability to hide oneselfs behaviour.
The final outcome will manifest itself in whichever way I feel is the most suitable manner to depict the body of work I create be it moving image or etc...
The origination of my concept for my Final Major Project -
The project stemmed from my upbringing in a conservative area of Birmingham where ones privacy would be guarded in what could only be paralleled to being another episode of Desperate Housewives. Every window of every house on my road would be net curtained to every inch of its surface.
Every housewife would compare and consider each others window decorating skills, commenting on the beauty and the effectiveness of being able to not see through ones window.
My mother, a fanatic of net curtains owns metres and metres of the drapery, with more than necessary for a small semi-detached house could ever need she resolves the mess with an excuse for just wanting to appreciate the beauty of the lace work...